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Re: SEO programs

__/ [ Jez ] on Saturday 11 March 2006 16:24 \__

> Catherine Milton wrote:
>> It's me again.  I;m working on the advice that was given to me regarding
>> keywords and all (most of it), and at the same time trying to find out
>> more
>> about SEOs.  I bought WebCEO in November, but now they are asking me to
>> pay again... seems I missed some small print, but in order to get the info
>> I'm
>> going to be paying far more than I can afford each month.  This may work
>> for people with many sites, but for a single site it just isn't worth it.
>> Especially since I haven't noticed any visible improvement.
>> So I thought I'd look at WebPosition gold.  Try out the free version, and
>> see if it's worth coughing up for that instead.  Does anyone have any
>> experience of either?  Or both?
>> Thanks,
>> Catherine
> Hi again Catherine,
> Save your money. Hang about here and read and post. You will learn far
> more - and it's free! Free, I tells ya.
> That will be £1.00 for the free advice please.
> Jez.

Yes, and we need some more girls around here. In contrary to common belief,
Jez is no girl. Stacey sticks around on occasions while Carol probably
drinks her coffee somewhere nicer.

While on that subject, I recently raised the issue of having just guys in
WordPress. It's amazing that among the hundreds of us, there are merely no
girls at all. There seems to be no solution, even though changes to this
status-quo have been sought. Where the heck has Cat gone? She is missed as

Best wishes,


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