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Re: Zire 31?

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
Isn't the purpose and main advantage of an ultra-small PDA is that it
is readily accessible? As in, pull out of pocket, jot some notes, put
back in pocket? The PDA is why I gave up laptops. It's a simple
argument concerning pragmatism. [no offence intended] That's why that
Origami is destined to fail, unlike the Nokia 770, for instance.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

There are some simple plastic covers that protect the screen
admirably well.
While they protect well, I think this was destined to happen,
considering how she treats personal belongings and, how important
she(fiance) thinks they are.  I even put one on her PDA and, it still
happened because, she had her purse 'stuffed to the rafters' with junk.

With kind regards,



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