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Re: [article] Google product to help retailers

__/ [ canadafred ] on Thursday 16 March 2006 12:52 \__

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:dvblsh$1bje$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Google Pills, anyone? *grin*
> I know your comment may been to indicate an exaggeration, but it really
> isn't that far off from reality. Their ability to maintain their focus in
> being a search engine is as the distance the distance from Mars to Earth,
> which they so elegantly portrayed themselves on the Red Planet logo last
> week.
> They just hate competition. They see a market potential and away they go. I
> don't think they have the self-control necessary not to create things like
> :
> GoogleGin vs. Trump Vodka
> or
> GooglePapers vs. ZigZag

They  never lack money for acquitions, to put it one way. They rarely face
much opposition when takeover are seen from the outside either.

Even  the "Google Groups - Deva News" controversies" are treated with some
bit of forgiveness. Am I the only one who noticed that Google Groups pages
accumulate  PageRank  and  have begun to appear  in  SERP's?  Essentially,
Google  considers these to be part of the World Wide Web (hypertext trans-
fer  protocol), which makes one wonder about the future of FTP and instant
messengers, for instance.

Given that many sites already feed on UseNet for content (often on-topic),
they will not have to compete with Google, who copy UseNet in its entirety
and  go  decades into the past. Google also control the  route/gateway  to
such UseNet archives.

Going  back Fred's point, Take Google Earth for example. They bought  Key-
hole  and ranmed it Google Earth, using maps they had already acquired for
Google  Maps.  The 3-D 'stuff' which is finally becoming more  visible  in
Google Earth...? Well, you've guessed it:


Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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