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Re: saving search results with bash script, curl, wget...

__/ [ canadafred ] on Friday 17 March 2006 02:31 \__

>> I am wondering how it is possible to place the results from a search query
>> url with wget, curl, or bash scripts (or any other command line tool) and
>> get the results(including the results of the next page) into a txt file
>> with
>> each a newline for each url of the result?
>> i.e for a search query; something like www.example.com=query?...
>> each result can be placed on a newline in a text file.
> cross posting removed

Thanks, Fred.

At risk of answering an Internet troll:

Use wget, e.g.:

,----[ Commands ]
| cd ~; wget http://www.google.co.uk/search?&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=nospam

Then, you could use Perl (script from Brian Wakem):

,----[ get_urls.sh ]
| cat ~/index.html| perl -ne '@url=m!(http://[^>"]+)!g;print "$_\n"
| foreach @url' > ~/googleurls

For more information:

,----[ Commands ]
| man wget

Notice your ability to spoof user-agent, which might be helpful.

Run the scripts and wget with caution. Retain good 'Net citizenship'.

Hope it helps,

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    chmod a-r *.mbox
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