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Re: Gates: Netscape Knocked Itself Out

__/ [ Phil Da Lick! ] on Wednesday 22 March 2006 12:25 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Gates On The Browser Wars: Netscape Knocked Itself Out
>> http://www.emailbattles.com/archive/battles/browsers_aadbigfibd_ca/
> Gates on reality: "The sky is whatever colour I say it is. I believe it.
> So must you.

He still perceives himself as a visionary.

I happen to syndicate sites for the term "vision" as I run a site on computer
vision. Very frequently I come across Gates items which match the
criteria/pattern. The media is fascinated by his mouth droppings and I, for
one, am utterly sick of that. One thing I would give Gates is that he can
intervene rather than predict a natural trend. It's easier when you run an
aggressive monopoly.

Best wishes,


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