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Re: Novell Capitalise on Mono

__/ [ Jerry McBride ] on Friday 24 March 2006 19:48 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> New SUSE Linux Features New Interface, More Mono Apps
>> Focusing on the User Experience
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | While Novell conducts video-enabled usability tests of new GUIs, the
>> | company's partners are implementing Mono, a cross-platform
>> | development environment built into the new SUSE Linux 10, along
>> | with other tools to create applications and hardware drivers for
>> | current and future editions of Novell's Linux desktop.
>> `----
>> http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/6213/1/
> It's kind of funny to see a microsoft product getting hijacked by Linux...

Isn't that just a natural evolutionary process, which carries on from Bor-
land and others?


Then  come to consider KDevelop, Glade which has been around for ages, and
all  sorts of development tools for Web-based applications. Mono's  punch-
line  or even sales pitch might be "We bring the goodness of .NOT to  Lin-
ux".  Inherently,  it's  just a way of appealing to the  average  laymen's
minds,  using  analogies and terminology 'bridges'. How many  general-pur-
pose,  graphical application are called (an attempted) "Photoshop-killer",
as though Adobe has brought about the Holy Grail? People think in terms of
brands unfortunately. "Google this, Google that". People also have miscon-
ceptions  forged to their minds. "You need an anti-virus. You need to  de-
frag occasionally".

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: Every polar bear is left-handed
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