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Re: link: not showing results even though there are links ?

__/ [ Paul ] on Tuesday 02 May 2006 15:59 \__

> Hi Group,
> Hope you can give some pointers, I am scratching my head on this one.
> I have a website that has links that are returned in Google when I run a
> "+thewebsite.com" into google. It lists a whole host. When I do a
> "link:thewebsite.com", it returns none, even though there are links there
> when doing "+thewebsite.com"
> Any ideas ? I think that is why the site is not coming up anywhere in
> google, even after optimising and it having been up for over 2 years ?
> Any pointers appreciated all - I hope that didn't invite the flame
> throwers. ;-)
> Many thanks and Regards,
> Paul

First of all, make sure that links pointing to your site are not
rel="nofollow"ed (see ongoing discussion in the recent thread: "Google -
Code Jam"). Additionally, be aware that "link:site" only lists a *subset* of
links. Try the same syntax in Yahoo. They accumulate and make visible more
links, albeit most remain out of sight (/site!) while only the high number

Lastly, what is the value of your inbound links? They surely do not arrive
from 'islands' because your search for "+thewebsite.com" came up with some

Hope it helps,


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