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Re: Backing up and Restoring Kontact

__/ [ Gordon ] on Thursday 04 May 2006 13:54 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Gordon ] on Thursday 04 May 2006 12:07 \__
>>> How do I do this?
>>> TIA
>> If you mirror your settings and data or even migrate to a different
>> workstation, just grab the relevant directories from ~/.kde/share/apps/ .
>> The directory names should be rather rhetorical.
>> As a general remark, *that* is the advantage of storing everything as
>> file, settings included.
>> Notes to add:
>> * If the version KDE varies, I am entirely sure this will be handled most
>> gracefully.
>> * /kabc is your address book. The name does not make it obvious.
>> * Your mail might reside in ~/Mail, so be sure to back up this directory,
>> as well. It is somewhat of a generic location (separate mail clients can
>> share it), which I believe is not KDE-specific and is therefore not
>> 'snatched onto ~/.kde .
>> Hope it helps,
>> Roy
> many thanks! So in fact if I do a complete backup of my /home directory,
> that should cover everything! Much better than Windows where things are so
> fragmented between user directories and the registry!

Yes, I agree. Setting up new machines or copying settings across a
cluster/array is a matter of just minutes (dependent on connection speed).

I'll lend you my simple 'locket scripts':

nice scp -r ~/.[0-z]* ~/* 

Note that speed is being restricted (it's a 100Mbit connection and there is
also an scp option for _bandwidth_ limit rather than CPU priority) and both
dot (~/.something) files and directories are copied over. Together with your
files they fully encapsulate everything that you have stored, customised,
set up, etc. For extra flexibility/portability, I tend to install programs
on my home directory as well, whenever possible. It's fine for one-user
machines or a machine that is expected to serve no more than a couple of
people. The duplication is cheap and upgrades are not a major issue.

Such practices saved me many time before, either when I accidently deleted
some files or when I 'borked' some program's settings and wanted to revert
to the old ones (just need to overwrite the relevant dot directory).

I also save keep a progressive backup on an external hard-drive, for what
it's worth. It's set up as a cron job...

mkdir /media/SEA_DISK/Home/`date +%Y-%m-%d`

tar -cf - /home/roy/Main/BU|split -b 1000m - /media/SEA_DISK/Home/`date
+%Y-%m-%d`/Baine-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.tar.

Compressed and also sliced due to maximal file size (4 GB on this Seagate's
filesystem of choice)

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz 
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