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[News] Vista Caveat: Hardware, Upgrades, Registry Bloat

Final thoughts and questions

,----[ Quote ]
| The Vista train is running full steam to its release date on November
| 30 to businesses and January 30, 2007 to store shelves. Is Vista
| really ready? That depends on what it will be ready for. We expect
| that the biggest headache for users will be so-called in-placeu
| pgrades. While Vista was reasonable on all the machines where we
| performed a clean install, it was an absolute mess on the machine
| upgraded from XP, and this problem has been noted by others.


A mistake made by many, I suppose, is judging a lightweight Plain Vanilla
Vista, rather than see how it copes with a load of needed programs (e.g.
Adobe Reader, Firefox).

You cannot compare hardware requirements (or even # of bugs, or speed of
installation) of a modern Linux distribution and that of Vista. It's a case
of comparing apples and oranges as Linux is prepackaged with an enormous
wealth of packages.

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