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[News] Proprietary Voting Machines Go Titsup, As Expected

Polling places turn to paper ballots after glitches

,----[ Quote ]
| Pennsylvania's Lebanon County also extended polling hours
| because a programming error forced some voters to
| cast paper ballots.


Stuff I posted earlier today:

Would open source make elections fair?

,----[ Quote ]
| I will line up and use a Diebold voting machine, like everyone
| else in Georgia, and hope that the vote count is accurate. But
| that's all it will be, a hope. As last week's HBO special
| revealed the machines and (more important) the system is both
| closed-source and easy to hack.


96% don't trust the machines, according to the poll.

,----[ Quote ]
| "Nineteen machines had 21 screen freezes or system crashes, producing a
| blue screen and messages about an "illegal operation" or a "fatal
| exception error."
| "Especially with this blue-screen problem, you don't know whether it's
| the printer drivers, you don't know whether it's Diebold's own code or
| whether it's Windows,"


Diebold quietly repaired voting machines

,----[ Quote ]
| The unpredictable freezes don't cause votes to be lost, officials
| said, but they confuse voters and election judges who sometimes
| wonder whether votes cast on a frozen machine will be counted.
| [...]
| Diebold Election Systems quietly replaced flawed components in
| several thousand Maryland voting machines in 2005 to fix a
| "screen-freeze" problem the company had discovered three years
| earlier, according to published reports Thursday.


Brasil wants Linux to manage votes.

E-Voting Raises New Questions in Brazil

,----[ Quote ]
| Some Brazilians are lobbying the tribunal to switch from Windows CE to
| an open-source operating system for the voting machines, since Microsoft
| Corp., citing trade secrecy, won't allow independent audits to make
| sure malicious programmers haven't inserted commands to "flip" votes
| from one candidate to another.
| [...]
| Fontoura confirmed that Brazil is considering a move away from
| crosoft's proprietary code -- "We are studying the possibility of using an 
| open-source program like Linux in future elections. This would make the 
| entire process much more transparent and far less expensive," he said.


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