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[News] More Analysis of the Novell/Microsoft Mistake

Put Up Or Shut Up, Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| I can't decide whether Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has been acting on
| some carefully constructed business strategy, or is just off his meds
| again. But his threats against companies that run Linux are getting old.
| When Ballmer blustered that "In a sense you could say anybody who has
| got Linux in their data center today sort of has an undisclosed balance
| sheet liability," he probably intended to strike fear into the hearts
| of companies running Linux servers. But instead it was one of those
| acutely embarrassing social moments, like when a friend falls off a
| barstool and begins saying things he'll regret in the morning.


Microsoft/Novell - The Thin Wedge

It is about dividing the Free from the Open

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has never been interested in allowing true competition. In
| its history, it has always looked after itself, and has innovated not
| in software quality, but in stacking the odds in its own favor. When
| it has been unable to technologically stay on top, it has acquired
| technology, usually via a ?partnership" which has invariably turned
| out worse for the partner. The technology world is littered with 
| companies who thought that they could do business with Microsoft and
| have found out what a Microsoft partnership is worth. Microsoft is
| indeed the black widow of technology partners. Even rarer than a
| survivor of a Microsoft partnership is a company willing to try again.


The Attacker's Advantage 

,----[ Quote ]
| "Redmond: More than any other company, you're going after Microsoft on
| the desktop. In doing so you're fighting a war on two fronts--Microsoft
| and your competitors in the open source world, most notably Red Hat. Are
| you equipped to do that?
| "Hovsepian: This is all about the discussion with the customer and
| what they want to do inside their shop. It's also a discussion around
| value and innovation. We have positioned ourselves as the enterprise
| Linux play ranging from the desktop to data center using the exact
| same code base. This is a really important differentiation for our 
| users..." 


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