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Re: [News] Microsoft Sites and Services Still Snub Firefox

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:1269836.bMKired30X@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just when I thought Microsoft was getting better...

,----[ Quote ]
| So my epiphany for the day is this, "$100 million dollars can buy a
| lot of innovation, but cannot change a culture that fundamentally
| is not geared towards respecting users." Google and Yahoo (despite
| stiff competition from everyone) seem to have the right balance of
| innovation and monetization (they are businesses after all), tempered
| with a healthy dose of competition. However, despite those drivers,
| they both seem to respect users first and foremost; I know this
| first hand from having worked with both. Microsoft, however, can't
| seem to shake its old habits.


What's with these people ?

Why can't you use an IE plugin in FF ?
Why can't you use a FF plugin in IE ?

Because they are different programs.

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