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Re: [News] Another Linux 'Poster Girl'

__/ [ High Plains Thumper ] on Tuesday 28 November 2006 12:30 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> An interview with Linux Australia's cover girl
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| It can be tough being a woman in an industry where almost
>>| four in five people are men. But that's just another
>>| challenge that Pia Waugh enjoys, alongside juggling her
>>| own consultancy, a research position at Macquarie
>>| University, running Linux Australia and Software Freedom
>>| International, and being otherwise heavily involved in
>>| the industry.
>>| ...I ended up falling back into IT because it's just a
>>| natural fit for me and I love technical work, and then I
>>| got into Linux and that propelled me more into IT.
>> `----
>> http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;1585810409;fp;2
>> ;fpid;4
> For those who wonder what Pia Waugh looks like, there is a
> picture in this fairly recent link:
> http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/may-the-source-be-with-y
> ou/2006/05/08/1146940440959.html
> or http://tinyurl.com/yllbqo
> | May the source be with you
> | May 9, 2006
> |
> | Pia Waugh is not afraid to take control, she is passionate
> | about technology and her work, writes Cynthia Karena.
> |
> | PIA Waugh finds kung fu fight tactics a handy tool in the
> | business world.
> |
> | "Kung-fu prepares you for thinking strategically rather
> | than reacting. I've learned to be the master of the first
> | stroke and to take control of any situation," says Ms
> | Waugh, who six months ago founded an open source
> | consultancy business, Waugh Partners.

The caption on the photo says "Pia Waugh has started an open source
consultancy". If her (and her husband's, IIRC) consultancy has got some
About page, then I certainly hope she's chosen a different picture. I know
that Free Open Source software can slash the prices, but that's just too

I once knew a girl names Pia and she was Danish (we had a couple of drinks).
This one is from Ausralia, so I wonder if she's foreign.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: most popular O/S, yet not most widespread
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/6                         Tue Nov 28 08:35 - 08:36  (00:01)    
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