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Re: [News] #3 MMORPG to Go GPL?

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Monday 27 November 2006 20:00 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Free Ryzom!
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Help us make Ryzom a Free MMORPG! Donate now to help us purchase the
>>| source code, artwork and intellectual property associated with Ryzom, so
>>| we can breathe new life into it as an open, democratically run
>>| player project.
>> `----
>> http://www.ryzom.org/
> I've never really got into these - are they D&D-like games?

Yeah, and this is among the biggest ones, with a long history and a large
community behind it. As the company nears the verge of bankruptcy it
realises that Open Source is the better way. It could follow a route that's
similar to this of Bender. You know, that software (Bender3D) brought us
Elephants Dream... professional _and_ [f/F]ree. The value of code is nill
unless it's distributed and empowered by people who use it. It's a point
that's often missed. Xara Extreme (Xtreme?) has gone GPL as well...

Open Source is not only motivated by people's desire for credit,
acknowledgement and recognition. It's also driven by the logic that if you
grow a large community by spreading your code, then people will improve the
code and the chances to provide support (even to a mere fraction) bears a
lot of monetary value. IIRC, JBoss has about 10 million

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | McDonald's does to diet what Microsoft does to PC's
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