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Re: [News] Read Your Junk Mail Here

On Fri, 24 Nov 2006 07:43:50 +0000, Mark Kent wrote:

> begin  oe_protect.scr 
> Ian Semmel <RocketLinuxNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> On Thu, 23 Nov 2006 18:04:40 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Waugh Partners to open up IT industry
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Australia's open source industry received a boost this week with the
>>> | launch of boutique consulting and research firm Waugh Partners.
>>> | 
>>> | [...]
>>> | 
>>> | Pia and Jeff are certainly two peas in a pod with Pia working part-time
>>> | as research coordinator for Australian Service for Knowledge on Open
>>> | Source Software (ASK-OSS) at Macquarie University, and Jeff a founding
>>> | member of Ubuntu Linux at Canonical.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php?id=765011692&rid=-50
>> So your advocacy or [News] now includes posting every press release from
>> any unknowns about start their own business.
>> Your posts are seriously akin to junk mail.
> I found it very interesting to note that another round of employment is
> taking place in the foss world, and that in spite of the foolishness of
> the Australian government in allowing software patents, at least some
> real Aussies can see a more sensible way forward.
> Of course, if you get yourself on linux with a good news reader, then
> you'd be able to filter these posts out if you don't like them.  If you
> do like them, then feel free to read them, of course.  Griping about
> them is pointless, as you've clearly nothing better to offer.

There's no way that this Schestowitz character reads all the articles he
references. They are obviously computer-generated, probably using the
sample RSS feed reader program included in Microsoft's Visual C# Express.

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