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[News] Sun Times Bashes Microsoft Zune

Avoid the loony Zune

,----[ Bottom line ]
| Microsoft gets music player all wrong



The Soul Of A New Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Edgy thinkers like J Allard are looking far beyond Windows for the
| next big thing
| [...]
| "The only problem with Microsoft is that they have no taste," the
| Apple Computer boss says. "They have absolutely no taste."
| [...]
| Just like the pre-Internet days, Microsoft was stuck thinking 
| conventionally. Allard's bosses wanted to develop a video game version of 
| Windows and get computer makers, such as Dell Inc., to build the device. 
| But the industry didn't work that way. Hardware makers lose money on 
| console sales and make it back from royalties on games. When it became 
| clear that Microsoft had to enter the console business, building from 
| scratch wasn't his superior's first choice. "I wanted to acquire Nintendo," 
| recalls Rick Thompson, a vice-president who then ran the hardware business. 


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