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Re: [News] Vista User Interface Mistakes - Critique from a Former Microsoft Excel Project Manager

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/d468cd0620147c90
> You claimed this guy had "Very detailed, well-reasoned, and filled with
> screenshots to serve as backing proof." Indicating you agreed with his
> arguments.  Among them was a complaint that you couldn't lock the
> computer from the start menu, now you're crowing about how such options
> are bad design.

In same message you state, "Klipper:  Office XP and 2003 include a
clipboard manager tool.  It does one better and allows you to copy
multiple items to the clipboard and then past them back in reverse order,
or choose any item from the list."

Klipper pop-up is very annoying.  Simpler is better.


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