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[News] Linux Migration Options for 'Illegal' Users

Microsoft's Built-in Vista Security is "So" Safe It Will Disrupt Legal Users

,----[ Quote ]
| And for those businesses who want more control, there's always Ubuntu
| and other Linux systems, which companies like IBM and Dell will be happy
| to support for you. And programs like WINE allow an awful lot of
| Windows programs to run unchanged on systems like Linux and Mac OS X. All
| it will take is for Microsoft to paralyze a Fortune 100 CEO's laptop at a
| major investment conference for the phones at those vendors to start
| ringing with corporate migration requests -- and at that point it will be
| too late for Microsoft to fix this blunder.


Could also change the title to:

Microsoft's Built-in Vista Security is "So" Safe It Will Lock Out Rival S/W

See context below...

McAfee: Microsoft completely unrealistic on Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Vista does not ship with antivirus software installed and active,
| but for the first time Microsoft will be promoting their own antivirus
| service in Windows OneCare. Alex Eckelberry, CEO of Sunbelt Software,
| has already called Microsoft's plans predatory based on pricing. McAfee
| is focusing its critique on operating system design, arguing instead that
| Microsoft's decisions with Vista will simply make the operating system
| less secure.
| In the advertisement, McAfee CEO George Samunek is quoted as saying,
| "Microsoft is being completely unrealistic if, by locking security
| companies out of the kernel, it thinks hackers won't crack Vista's kernel.
| In fact, they already have." The advert continues: "With its upcoming
| Vista operating system, Microsoft is embracing the flawed logic that
| computers will be more secure if it stops co-operating with the
| independent security firms."


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