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Re: Linux Will Knock Rivals Out of the Server Room

On 4 Oct 2006 10:04:02 -0700
"billwg" <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The fellow is clearly not a believer in the laws of thermdynamics!  He
> says:
> "Financial math makes it easy. You can pay a lot of money to run many
> instances of an operating system on a lot of different servers, or you
> can pay a lot less to run multiple operating system instances on a few
> of them.
> You save on hardware, you save on management costs, heck, you even
> save on your electrical bill. That last one, by the way, is not small
> potatoes when you add in not just the power for the machines, but the
> cost of the air-conditioning to keep them happy"

What are you saying? If one runs two computers, one is using less
electricity than two computers running on the same hardware.

VMs make use of existing components which are just powered because the
host has them connected. 

If you look at your system stats you will see lots of idle time, why not
have a VM make use of that hard disk that's still spinning to do
something useful.

BTW, that air-con power bill is no joke. That's a serious overhead.

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