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Re: Acer Criticises Microsoft & Windows Vista

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

>Reminds me of an E-mail my sister sent me a couple of hours ago...
>Hey little brother!
>I've formatted mom's computer again. the computer was really really
>slow. I
>only instlled what was necessary (word, ICQ and messenger). if
>you want mom to read your e-mails you can use the outlook express that
>with windows. But I think it'll be better for her if you simply send
>e-mails to her yahoo e-mail account.
>When you are here DO NOT install any programs in her computer (no
>thunderbird or firefox - she doesn't use them). All these redundant
>installations slow her computer down. Thay make it impossible to work
>it and it ends up that I have to reformat her computer all the time.
>So DO NOT install anything!!!
>I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. I will come to mom afetr

Wow.  Talk about having it ass-backwards...

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