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Re: [News] Microsoft's ASP is Dying

On Sun, 10 Sep 2006 03:35:18 -0500
Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I love this:
> "To me, it_s always been diabolical; to do something as simple as say,
> turning a bit of text from lower case to upper case, which only
> requires one command in PHP, requires writing a function in ASP. "
> Wrong.  Standard VBScript funciton, UCase.  
> http://ns7.webmasters.com/caspdoc/html/vbscript_ucase_function.htm

I'm sure you mean uc or tr.

> Also:
> "For example, they pulled the plug on Visual Foxpro; considering it_s
> a 32 bit, single threading application, that may not have been a bad
> idea. Still, it is dislocating; but so long as _progress_ is achived
> in Microsoft_s eyes, they don_t seem to care."
> Foxpro isn't dead, in fact they just released a new community
> technology preview of the latest beta in June.
> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=3A010370-4FC0-46F2-B495-C7C2F16930B1&displaylang=en
> AND they released a roadmap for where Foxpro is going.
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro/roadmap/
> This guy really doesn't know crap about what he talks about.

Just because MS release something it's a total revival. Yeah that's
proof enough for me from the marketing crap that keeps that platform
alive. Proof that throwing money at a dead ideal makes it usable.

Regards, Ed                      :: http://s5h.net/qf
proud c++ person
When the world gives Chuck Norris lemonade, he makes lemons. 

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