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Re: [News] Vista Could Stall Web Traffic, NOT Only Due to DDOS Attacks and SPAM

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> Will Vista stall Net traffic?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Thanks to new directory software, Windows Vista could put a greater load
> | on Internet servers. But experts disagree over whether we're headed for a
> | prime-time traffic jam or insignificant slowdown.
> `----
> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6112338.html
> More expensive Internet for /all/ of us? I thought SPAM and DDOS attacks were
> a morbid nuisance at their own right, due to the fragility of Windows.

   "Others agree that Vista could cause a spike in DNS traffic. But
   they're not expecting dire consequences. "Vista, due to its support
   for IPv6, will cause somewhat higher load on name servers as it
   checks to see which protocol to use," said Dan Kaminsky, an
   independent researcher. "But this is not the stuff that blackouts are
   made of."

Cool.  So I'll get the hourglass slightly more often under Vista?  No

I will note, though, that, since moving to a different subnet in our
customer's network, the file-share access from Linux to my XP laptop has
improved in responsiveness.

I still get the hourglass in Visual Studio and Word file-dialogs,

   MCSE. Microsoft Certified Sandwich Expert.

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