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Re: [News] The Age (very popular newspaper/site) Praises GNU/Linux

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ Roy Schestowitz ] on Tuesday 05 September 2006 04:55 \__
>> Linux wins over new fans
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Linux is shedding its hard-core techie image in a bid to woo ordinary
>> | human beings seeking an easy-to-use operating system that can be
>> | downloaded for free.
>> | 
>> | While it is hard to estimate how many everyday users have defected from
>> | Windows or Apple software to join the open-source movement, Ubuntu
>> | (pronounced oo-boon-too) has emerged as one of the Linux desktop packages
>> | of choice for those looking for a basic desktop alternative.
>> | 
>> | [...]
>> | 
>> | Researcher IDC recently surveyed more than 5000 developers from 116
>> | countries, and found the use of open-source software to be "pervasive,
>> | used by almost three-quarters of organisations and spanning hundreds of
>> | thousands of projects".
>> | 
>> | Government IT departments looking to cut costs associated with
>> | proprietary packages software are also being encouraged to embrace
>> | open-source software and, last week, India's communist-run Kerala state
>> | announced plans to reduce Microsoft's dominance in schools by promoting
>> | the use of Linux.
>> `----
> http://www.theage.com.au/news/technology/linux-wins-over-new-fans/2006/09/04/1157222061911.html
>> http://tinyurl.com/lm8ua
>> This is excellent (and free) publicity.
> Sydney Morning Herald.
> http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2006/09/04/1157222061911.html

Did you see these comments?

Ubuntu easier to install than Windows XP:

	Web designer, Dave Green, has been running Ubuntu for a few
	months and said he had found it easier to install than Windows XP.

OpenOffce more user friendly than MS Office:

	"OpenOffice 2 is a little bloaty but it can do stuff that Office
	can't and is just a lot more user friendly. It doesn't include
	a lot of hardcore functionality but for web surfing and email
	it's very easy to use," he said.

These are real end-users, one self-described as a "granny" user.

I'm quite convinced that Ubuntu is going to do for the Desktop what
RedHat did for the server.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
People who have what they want are very fond of telling people who haven't
what they want that they don't want it.
		-- Ogden Nash

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