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Re: So now there are Two Windope Flatfish Loonies Spamming The Group?

Hadron Quark wrote:

> flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 20:49:49 +0000, Jim wrote:
>>> Hear hear!
>>> (This "ME TOO!" post brought to you by the letters C, L, and O twice,
>>> and the number 0).
>>> --
>>> I hereby testify that the above statement is an accurate recollection of
>>> the events mentioned therein.
>>> http://dotware.co.uk
>>> Registered Linux user #426308 -*- http://counter.li.org
>>    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> Do you like get a secret decoder ring and copy of the Linux COLA gang
>> playbook for registering?
> Here's an interesting thing : Jim is #426308, but yet if we visit the
> counter page, what do we find?
> ,----
> | At Sep 04 2006 21:41:36 GMT, there are 141728 users registered 156696
> | machines registered.
> `----
> I registered anout 200000 before Jim. But what has happened to the
> totals? A crash and loss of data possibly? Am I missing something
> non obvious to someone of my limited "smarts"? Is it because I use
> windows too that I'm unable to see the bigger picture?
> Whatever the reason for the strange figures (Remember that "Mark'n'Roy"
> Schestowiscz estimate that 20% of PCs have Linux installed).

You have no idea how the counter works.
If you /had/ any, you would know that registered users are periodically
asked to verify that they are indeed still running linux
If they don't answer for whatever reason, they are removed from the counter

But then, you are no linux user. You just claim to be one
Support your local Search and Rescue unit -- get lost.

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