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Re: Successful trolls.

On Sat, 02 Sep 2006 17:00:26 -0500, flatfish+++ wrote:

> On Sat, 02 Sep 2006 21:44:01 +0100, Kier wrote:
>> Can you prove it? Does it matter? If that's all you've got...
>> How come it worries you so much?
> Are you kidding?
> Observe the guy.

I have. What's to see? An advocate. It isn't my way of doing it, but so

> Take a look at his website.
> Take a look at how he has to have the last say in threads.
> Look around kier, and you will see it.

See what? You're talking through your hat. There's nothing whateveer to
see. Don't like Roy or his posts - there's such a thing as a killfile.
Want to see more threads that aren't started by Roy - post something.

>>> What's a tinfoil hate?
>> A typo with a reality problem?
> haha!

Not bad for the spur of the moment ;-)

>> That's exactly what it sounds like. You accuse us advocates of it often
>> enough.
> Not true.

Yes, you do. So does your pal Hadron.

> For me, observing Roy is funny.
> Observing how the Linux crew can't see through him is even funnier.

Nothing to see through. He's young, he'll grow out of it.

> Ya'll are being used, you'll figure it out sooner or later.

How can anyone who hasn't a clue who I am 'use' me for anything?

> It has zero effect on me at all, other than entertainment.

Hardly. You spend a huge amount of time hounding Roy, insulting him,
worrying about his posting habits. The rest of COLA just gets on with its

>>> That's you guys.....
>>> You know: "Microsoft is watching us"!!!
>> Not, me, flats. I'm not that type.
> Maybe not you, but certainly the COLA group as a whole.

Only some of them. Maybe they think they're justified.

>> Hardly. none to be done. You're imagining things.
> No I'm not.

Of course you are.

> You can start by taking a look at Roy's shrine of a website.

Don't think much of it, but that's not my problem. He's as entitled to 
his website as anyone else.

> Then you can look at digg and go from there.
> Ever see anyone else who is so full of himself?

Of course.


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