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[News] Vista Driving Users Away to GNU/Linux

Ubuntu: Who Needs Vista?

,----[ Quote ]
| I've only scratched the surface of life with Linux, but all I can say
| is "watch out, Windows!"
| With Ubuntu, Linux is becoming the safer, more user-friendly and
| pocket-friendly operating system of choice for today's and
| yesterday's computers.


Showing Windows the door

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm now running Ubuntu Feisty Fawn beta on my main blogging gear --
| an MSI S260 laptop - and I haven't stopped saying "wow" since when I
| finished installing it late Monday night.


Many more new stories just like it. The installed based of GNU/Linux is
quietly but steadily being inflated. And the increase is expected to
exponential (the 'network effect', AKA sheep culture). Today's oddballs
appear to be those bold (or silly) enough to buy Vista, not those who
install Linux. Uninformed adopters of Vista often go back or quietly suffer,
learning to cope with the consequence (see the famous spiky chair cartoon).

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