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[News] Discussing the Prospects of Web Operating Systems

Is the 'Web OS' just a geek's dream?

,----[ Quote ]
| "In the universe of techies and early adopters the (Web OS is
| interesting), but it turns out we're 10 percent of the
| population," he said. "Too often people get caught up explaining
| what they do in buzzwords. It comes back to whether you are solving
| a problem someone is willing to pay for."


Side note: Yesterday, there is another vile case (among many recent ones)
where a Microsoft proxy (it even states this in the footer) writes C|Net
columns to attack the European Commission or Free Software Foundation while
defending Microsoft. It truly begins to seem as though C|Net/ZDNet is no
better than the pro-national agenda Fox News. There are no columns written
by 'the other side'. Disgrace for the media... yesterday they had a
promotional plug for Microsoft in HPC, apparently disguised as an article
that quotes Microsoft and offers no balance... the Get the Facts ads in the
site leave little room for doubt. Be wary of what you see in the 'mainstream

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