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Re: [News] Dell PCs are Now Cheaper Without Windows, Linux Options Available

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> http://www.dell.com/content/products/features.aspx
> Someone compared identical configurations to find that choosing Linux
> would be cheaper. Also in the news:

The prices they advertise are not real - only after filling in rebate
coupons that allows dell$ to keep a large amount of
your money in their bank gathering interest as opposed to your bank
and gathering interest there, do you get the price down to the
advertised level.

For years I have been buying eSys Linux pre-installed
machines that are cheaper and you don't need to fill out rebate coupons

How does dell$ make a commercial PC?
At the moment it can't without illegal overcharging of micoshaft customers:

1. First, they get micoshaft to illegally overcharge micoshaft customers.
2. Micoshaft then illegally allocate that overcharged money
   to dell$ customers instead of micoshaft customers.
3. Then dell$ installs the monopoloy OS.
4. Then dell$ goes cap in hand to micoshaft for money back hander
5. Then micoshaft illegally pays dell$ monopoly antitrust back hander
   compatible money.
6. Then micoshaft and dell$ cover up their inefficent money
   thiefing operation from EU regulators by making all the
   payments outside the EU.
7. There! Bob is your uncle, and your pista pre-loaded machine is sold
   illegally at below cost prices by dell$ in the EU subsidised by
   overcharged micoshaft customers paying dell$ in USA.

If dell$ now tries to make and sell to its customers
a commercially produced PC with Linux,
then dell$ does not get micoshaft back hander that was
originally overcharged to micoshaft customers.

Thus for dell$ the price of having to sell a commercially
produced Linux PC is same as windopz PC, plus the cost of
the back hander they need to receive by overcharged micoshaft customer.

This is why dell$ linux PCs are charged to dell$ customers
at a higher price than windopz PCs.

EU regulators? One wonders how they can sleep after living off the fat
of tax payers money.

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