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Re: As Time Goes By, Far Fewer People Want Windows Vista

Larry Qualig <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> but generally he checks his data thoroughly,
> Complete bullshit. He spams 100's of messages each week. He doesn't
> check shit and he's even admited that he doesn't have time to check
> his posts. Now you're the liar.
Roy is acting as a news aggregator, not a journalist.  The expectation
of thorough fact checking and editorial review is misplaced.  The
fact checking and such is more the role of the COLA community.  This 
is a forum after all, not The New York Times.  His posts serve as the 
seeds  of discussion.  Yes, he sometimes screws up a title or a 
summary.  You may even disagree with some of his personal commentary.
But I've never seen him purposefully lie (that I can tell) and I find
his posts mostly appropriate for this group.

>> and he knows the field.
> He doesn't know shit. He's a child who lives in a dorm room that's
> still supported by mommy and daddy. He's never had a job, family, home
> and has yet to pay taxes or earn enough to support himself. Perhaps
> compared to *you* he's experienced and knows something but to most of
> us here, he's a pathetic little child who's starving for attention.

I don't typically jump in the middle of these sorts of personal
mud slinging festivals, but what the heck.

All I really know about Roy is what I've read here or on his website.
Yes, he is a student... a PhD student with some solid academic 
accomplishments and published papers.  He is obviously a supporter of
open source software and is active in the community.  His ability to
sustain that level of activity while doing the PhD grind indicates to
me that he is a motivated and capable person.  When he gets out in 
the big scary 'real world' of which you speak, I'm sure he will do
just fine.

His opinions of the technology world are no doubt colored by his open
source idealism, and perhaps they will shift with post-school 'real
world' experience, or perhaps not.  It is usually those people with 
deep convictions (often ridiculed as naive) that charge ahead and bring
change.  The future belongs to those with the courage and motivation
to act on their ideals, to shape the world into what they believe it
can be.

Is Roy such a person?  I have no idea.  I do know, however, that if
Linux ever does take over the desktop, it wont be through the efforts
of the people who sat silent on the sidelines believing that nothing 
will ever change.

Keep posting, Roy.  Many of us appreciate it.


P.S. For those of you who don't like his [News] posts, just set a
damn filter in your newsreader already.

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