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Re: [News] IBM Satisfied with the GPLv3 Draft

"Doug Mentohl" <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> amicus_TROLL while ignoring the quote went straight for the ad hominem 
> wrote:
>> You are being far less than candid about the truth of the
> > matter and are trying to mislead those who are the willing
>> victims  of your nonsense. The  real situation is as stated
> > by the IBM manager who oversees the entire effort:
> Schestowitz posts links to blogs quoting Bob Sutor the VP of Open Source 
> standards for IBM, and the senior editor at InfoWorld. How is that in any 
> way misleading. What isn't true about a senior VP at IBM saying 'we're 
> pretty satisfied with where we are'. You do seem to be taking a leaf from 
> fuddies troll manual and making up your own quotes. Is no one here but you 
> capable of figuring it out for themselves.
But he totally ignores the management committee member who plainly says that 
IBM does not use the GPL.  Whether some internal manager is satisfied or not 
does not qualify him to say "IBM is satisfied".  IBM clearly is not 
accepting of the GPL terms and conditions and does not use it.

> Not only that that, he just called anyone here who don't agree with his 
> fudicus, 'willing victims'. Is it you no longer differentiate between a 
> presence at debate and personal insults, or can't you tell the difference 
> anymore.

All I am suggesting is that many here fawn over the supposed good news 
regardless of the credibility of the source or the presence of contrary 
information.  I don't believe that you can honestly deny that is the case. 
That is a poor source of any interesting debate.  As to personal insults, 
you can be the judge of whom is more vicious, the Linux crowd or the MS 

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