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[News] Free Software Advocacy Wins in Italy, Microsoft Shut Out

Historic victory of the "Associazione per il Software Libero"! [in Italy]

,----[ Quote ]
| WE WON. Therefore 4.5 million Euros of public money will not be spent
| on proprietary software licenses, since the Ministry failed to
| consider free software options.


Britain could be going down the same route, especially after the Tories' and
SMEs' criticism over the failure to consider Open Source software. A recent
study by the government also showed that Linux is twice as environmentally
friendly compared to Windows.

Column: Cathedrals, Bazaars and Advocates

,----[ Quote ]
| This is what the Linux world lacks, the willingness to shoot the
| whole shebang to pieces. To be ruthless in exposing what is wrong,
| to put the finger on the sore spot and rub salt in the wounds. True,
| there is criticism but that comes from the outside, from those
| 'Windoze; users. No, Linux needs a true devil's advocate, an admirer.
| Someone who doesn't mind to give the bazaar a thorough cleaning.
| Someone with the looks, the office and the attractive staff
| of Al Pacino.


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