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Re: [News] A Large Number of Linux Distributions Proves Helpful to Schools

__/ [ John Locke ] on Wednesday 04 April 2007 21:00 \__

> FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) is a better solution for
> education because it provides tomorrow's technology at today's
> budget," Justin Riddiough told LinuxInsider. Riddiough is the leader
> and facilitator of the SchoolForge project, an organization aimed at
> bringing open source solutions into the classroom.
> I like the way this guy thinks. He's right.  The future of computers
> lies in Open Source. I've always thought that Microsoft's application
> development was headed down a dead-end alley....I think they'll hit
> the brick wall sooner then we think.

Even /they/ have developed various /types/ of Windows (Editions aside,
because they are just about disabling some features). Even /they/ have seen
the value of Bugzilla-type involvement by the users. Even /they/ realise
that opening some source is not a bad thing.

They have an inner conflict, but because of the FUD they have always spread,
they cannot admit it. It would lead to hypocrisy.

                ~~ Best wishes 

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