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[News] Oracle Dirty Tricks, Google and Microsoft (and other OT-ish items)

Oracle vs. SAP: Sound Or Fury?

,----[ Quote ]
| Ellison has a long history of launching attacks to disrupt another 
| company's business. Three years ago, when Oracle announced its hostile
| bid for PeopleSoft, analysts saw it as a way to weaken, and then pick 
| off, a vulnerable rival. In 2000, Ellison hired private investigators
| to rifle the trash of trade groups sympathetic to Microsoft Corp.,
| calling it his "civic duty" to do so. More recently, SAP has been in
| the bull's-eye. Two years ago, Oracle swiped retail software maker
| Retek Inc. from under SAP's nose after a heated bidding war.


[Google] Too Powerful? Us? Surely You Jest

,----[ Quote ]
| People increasingly compare Google to Microsoft in the mid-1990s--the
| height of its power, arrogant at times. Is that a fair comparison?
| The comparison is absolutely false. And the reason it's false is that
| people do not understand the strength of the Microsoft monopoly.
| Microsoft had 90%-plus market share in a market where it was impossible
| to switch. And Google has neither. It certainly does not have that
| market as best we can tell, and it's trivial to switch. Microsoft
| hid behind the user-choice argument. 


Xerox to nab Global Imaging for $1.5 billion

,----[ Quote ]
| Xerox plans to acquire Global Imaging Systems in a deal valued at
| $1.5 billion, the companies said Monday.


Transmeta To Cut More Jobs

,----[ Quote ]
| David Wong, an analyst for A.G. Edwards & Sons, said the company,
| which exited the microprocessor design business several years ago
| due to production problems and competition from the likes of Intel,
| said it was also leaving the engineering services sector.


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