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Re: [News] Queensland Will Ignore Windows Vista for At Least 3 Years?

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ Erik ] on Thursday 19 April 2007 21:14 \__
>> <snip>
>>> Home users are a different story but they are a stupid bunch
>>> and will, likely as not, revert back to Windows Vista as soon
>>> as it has matured.
>> Thank you for the compliment. You must be a very wise man with a lot of
>> superior knowledge that you can look down upon other people like me and
>> despise them.
>> I shall certainly not revert to Windows anytime. I have tried Linux
>> (Mandriva) and like it. I even support Mandriva and have paid more now
>> than the price of Vista to express my satisfaction and support.
>>> BUT, the initial tryout of Linux is all you
>>> Lino-brains are interested in. This is the Linux manifesto.
>>> "Just try it. That's all we ask. Switch back if you don't like it
>>> but at least give it a try."
>> Of course this is the "Linux manifesto"; once people have become
>> familiar with the Linux way of doing things, and the security of the
>> system, no one in his right mind will return to Windows. At least this
>> is my firm conviction.
>> Erik.
> Good post, Erik. You might just want to add a last name (or allter the E-mail
> address) because the name "Erik" has a negative connotation in this
> newsgroup (somebody else's fault).

I did a double-take myself, but it turns out that this particular Erik
is a good guy.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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