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[News] Call for Pro-Open Source Lobbying

Open source needs lobbyists

,----[ Quote ]
| The recent experience of Florida, reported by Linux.Com, illustrates
| the point. A legislator, prodded by his software-developer son,
| sought to place some language favoring open source into a bill
| creating a technology office for new Gov. Charlie Crist.
| Rep. Ed Homan was stopped, he says, by three Microsoft lobbyists,
| all wearing dark suits and shades, who spun the issue in a way
| that would make a Washington pol proud.
| [...]
| They will, if we can just find the money to pay them, or hire
| someone just like them. We'll need effective lobbyists in every
| state capitol, as well as Washington. Until then, the law will be
| tilted in favor of the proprietary folks, just as it has long beent
| ilted toward the telecomms.


This has grabbed the attention of many sites.


Open Standards for Florida vs Microsoft lobbyists

,----[ Quote ]
| Bottom line: Rep. Ed Homan (R-Tampa) tried to get a small paragraph
| added to a general IT bill in the State Senate that mildly favored
| open standards (i.e. ODF etc.) in state IT operations. It was a
| quiet effort, he told me, but still, within 24 hours all the
| State Senators on the appropriate committee had been contacted
| by lobbyists representing Microsoft, who also paid him a visit. 


Microsoft criticized for Open XML petition

,----[ Quote ]
| The petition is an attempt to make it appear that Open XML
| has "pseudo-grassroots" support, argues Mark Taylor, the
| founder of the Open Source Consortium.


Microsoft calls on UK public to raise the Office standard

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is calling on the Great British public to join its campaign
| to get the XML Office format adopted as an international standard.
| [...]
| It is not clear if the UK is an opponent. However, a representative
| of fellow member the Bureau of Indian Standards recently reportedly
| complained to the IndiaTime.com over Microsoft's decision to dump
| 6,000 pages of documentation on them.


Microsoft Fights for OpenOffice XML Standard Approval

,----[ Quote ]
| To win approval, Microsoft must obtain 75 percent of all
| votes cast.
| Organizers have said they expect representatives from about
| 100 countries, including the United States, Canada and most
| large European and Asian nations, to ultimately cast ballots
| on the issue. 


Microsoft's Open XML Format Advances in ISO

,----[ Quote ]
| Andy Updegrove, a partner with Boston law firm Gesmer Updegrove and
| editor of the ConsortiumInfo.org standards blog, said that 14 of 20
| responses were clearly negative, two indicated divisions of opinion,
| three were inconclusive or neutral, and one offered no objections.


Packing The Court At The ISO?

,----[ Quote ]
|      ...P member countries ('participating member' countries) sending 
|     representatives, and I am interested to note the majority of
|     their representatives are, as individuals, also Microsoft employees.
| [...]
| How can they not see that OOXML (ECMA 376) is unwanted by anyone outside of 
| Microsoft? How about it Brian Jones? Are you really so desperate that you
| have to resort to that?


Q&A: Former Mass. CIO feels 'bittersweet pride' after battles with Microsoft,

,----[ Quote ]
| As CIO of Massachusetts from February to November last year, Louis 
| Gutierrez had to endure most of the brunt of Microsoft Corp.'s political 
| wrath over a state policy calling for the adoption of the Open Document 
| Format for Office Applications, or ODF -- a rival to the software vendor's 
| Office Open XML file format.
| [...]
| Do you see any reason for there to be two standards? If you were
| starting blank-slate, there certainly would not be value to creating
| two separate standards. Over time, it has sometimes been useful to
| have the competition of two standards to keep both sides honest.
| But I don't see particular value in the long-term co-existence of
| two separate standards.


,----[ Quote ]
|    Quinn:  Almost to a person, to anybody involved or who knows about
|    the ODF issue, they attributed the story to Microsoft, right, wrong
|    or otherwise. Senator Pacheco may be a bully but I do not believe he
|    is disingenious and would stoop to such a tactic. Senator Pacheco and
|    Secretary Galvin's office remain very heavily influenced by the
|    Microsoft money and its lobbyist machine, as witnessed by their
|    playbook and words, in my opinion.
|    Quinn:  I believe that the ODF decision will stand. I believe MS
|    will continue to do anything and everything it can to stop it. And I
|    know my seat wasn't even empty and they (MS) took another shot at
|    the title, to no avail. This horse is out of the barn and I see no
|    way for it to go back in. Remember, all we are asking for was and is
|    for Microsoft to commit to open and the standards process; so
|    everyone looks really bad if the plug gets pulled at this juncture. 


MA Governor-Elect Names MS Anti-ODF Lobbyist to Technology Advisory Group


The Sorry State of Massachusetts


Microsoft offers schools in Mass. free software (to stop ODF adoption)


Microsoft plays Massachusetts Senate card


Politics and tech companies: follow the money


Years of deadlock on EU patent bring some new thinking


,----[ Quote ]
| "A source that deals with the company said unofficially that Gates
| proposed Microsoft's Digital Rights Management technology as a national
| standard to fight piracy at the governmental level."


Leaked letter warns of open source 'threat to eco-system'


Study: open source needs official support; Lobbyist disagrees with "flawed"


Report Says Nonprofits Sold Influence to Abramoff


Open Source Foes In Bed With Abramoff


EU official joins consultancy serving Microsoft


US ambassador to the EU was former Microsoft lobbyist


US politicians go to bat for Microsoft


Changing the Report, After the Vote


Microsoft playing three card monte with XML conversion

,----[ Quote ]
| Gary Edwards of the Open Document Foundation, a leading member
| of its technical committee, says Microsoft is playing proprietary
| games aimed at controlling XML file formats and preventing the
| Open Document Format from gaining a foothold.


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