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Re: [News] Microsoft is Now "Motivated by Fear"

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Microsoft's act of desperation
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Microsoft knows that Vista is a sub-par OS. Had Vista in it's current
> | form arrived in 2004 instead of 2007, it may have passed for
> | acceptable... You go to Dell's website, and in the option to select
> | operating systems, you see Windows and Linux. Windows costs an
> | extra 400 dollars; Linux is an extra 50.
> `----
> http://fiscaltimes.com/2007/04/15/microsofts-act-of-desperation/
> Related:
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Already industrial watchers are pointing to a serious showdown,
> | which in the meantime, the Chief Executive of Microsoft Corporation,
> | Steve Ballmer did not rule out in a recent interview in which he
> | also explained why Microsoft announced a sweeping reorganisation
> | of its Windows division.
> | 
> | "We have to outrun this phenomenon [Open Source/Linux]" he was quoted as
> | saying, and " ...if we let up for a minute... then that other stuff will
> | gain" attraction.

That other stuff gaining attraction is of course GNU/Linux and Blammer and
micoshaft are clearly afraid of GNU/Linux.
Now their own vista crap OS is failing to gain market traction so they
plan to kill their XP cash cow early and FORCING the public
with infrastructure dependent on XP to buy monopoly vista crap os
whilst cutting off alternatives so that 
customers won't have time to flee to GNU/Linux.

This plan isn't gonna work out for them.
Micoshaft products are run in quarantine mode - even vista crapola.
Not a single company runs IT infrastructure without
having micoshaft infrastructure protected by Linux routers, Linux firewalls,
Linux proxy servers, and Linux servers.
It does not make IT business sense to pay
and still run micoshaft products in quarantine mode,
and to be forced to buy vista/pista crap to run
it yet again in quarantine mode in an endless waste
of cash, human resources and IT disasters.
Time is rife to invest in Linux desktops and Linux
Applications. At least 1 in 200 desktop users are already
running Linux, whilst some 70% of all servers are Linux.

> http://www.thetidenews.com

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