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Re: [News] Microsoft Unleashes Anti-Linux Web Venom

"Richard Rasker" <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> Op Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:54:49 -0400, schreef Robert:
>> amicus_curious wrote:
>>> The thought occurs that they might consider Linus to be 'Nowhere', which
>>> would logically exclude it from their initiative, which is essentially
>>> directed, it would seem, at Macintosh useages.
>> spoken like a true microsoft shill.
>> if you dont like linux, STAY OUT OF THIS FORUM
>> you no good son of a b**ch
> C'mon, where would we be without all those Windows fanboys? They are
> actually the ones who elicit the finest Linux advocacy, and do the most
> damage to the reputation of Windows and its users - either by playing
> stupid (which is just fine), or by trying to look smart and failing
> (which is just fine too)!
There you go!  But I would rather liken it to the idea that, if one wants to 
shoot ducks on a pond, one has to go to the duck pond.

There is no advocacy forums for Windows, of course, any such thing would be 
totally unnecessary.

> -- 
> Linetec Translation and Technology Services
> http://www.linetec.nl/

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