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[News] VoIP Startup Uses Linux; Truphone Uses Linux

Mobile Phones VoIP services start-up uses Open-Source Technology

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently, I came across a start-up company offering VoIP services for
| mobile phones. Apparently, they have built the service using almost
| exclusively open-source technology, such as Asterisk PBX, Debian
| GNU/Linux and MySQL.


There's also this one:

,----[ Quote ]
| Truphone is the world's first software only network operator - the few
| pieces of hardware we need we buy online from the same well-known
| manufacturers as everyone else. Not only have we built a
| software-only network operator, we have done so almost entirely
| using freely-available open source technology an
| internationally-recognised open standards.
| [...]
| Other components that we use are:
|     * Apache Tomcat Servlet Container
|     * MySQL Databases
|     * Debian Linux Build


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