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Re: [News] A Wii Bit of Optimism, PS3 Goes for the High End

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Saturday 14 April 2007 08:26 \__

> Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> Sony to discontinue lower capacity PlayStation 3
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| "This is based purely on consumer and retailer demand, which favored
>>>| the 60-gigabyte model 10 to 1," said David Karraker, a spokesman for
>>>| Sony, the world's top video game console maker.
>>> `----
>>> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070412/tc_nm/sony_ps3_dc
>>> John Romero says only Wii will survive
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| "My prediction is that the game console in the vein of the PS3 and XBOX
>>>| 360 is going to either undergo a massive rethink or go away altogether.
>>>| The Wii has the perfect design for a console that doesn?t pretend to be
>>>| a PC and is geared more toward casual gamers than hardcore gamers. The
>>>| hardcore gamers are going to either be playing on their PCs or a new
>>>| PC-like platform that sits in the living room but still serves the
>>>| whole house over wifi, even the video signal."
>>> `----
>>> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=38862
>> Err, you won't get the video signal over wifi...  perhaps he should
>> stick to writing software...
> I should probably qualify this a little further - apologies for
> responding to my own posting...
> Whilst you /might/ get a usable video signal over a wifi channel, the
> bandwidth required for moving video is huge.  A typical PAL colour TV
> signal requires about 6MHz, and it is a stream, which means that it
> cannot tolerate interruptions of any kind.  Wifi, on the other hand, is
> designed for moving files and messages, not streams, and it is designed
> to share that bandwidth between multiple peer devices, which means that
> interruptions are common and part of the design.  Furthermore, Microwave
> Ovens operate in the same band, as well as a lot of other radio
> services, so interference is commonplace.
> The best way to move video is over a piece of wire (copper or glass).

Satellite TV has the same issues. Sometimes at the gym the signal is totally
lost for 1 minutes or even 1 hour. It cannot be trusted when it comes to
business-crtitical stuff, e.g. Bloomberg, CNBC.

>> The PS3 *is* a PC-like platform, of course, which he also seems to fail
>> to recognise.
> I suspect that in order for the PS3 to make a serious dent in the PC
> world, the GPU will need to be accessible from the linux side.

I think they may be working on that. This generation has got years to go and
they only utilise about 16% of the CPU's capacity at this stage, IIRC.

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Coffee makes mw to0 jittery
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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