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Re: Company Dumps .NET Software, Finds Happiness in Open Source

  • Subject: Re: Company Dumps .NET Software, Finds Happiness in Open Source
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 05:09:02 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / Netscape
  • References: <2911485.1qYC6HAcsN@schestowitz.com> <qbrbkohy1yv4$.dlg@funkenbusch.com> <7padnQnc3-2wo4XbnZ2dnUVZ_oOknZ2d@bresnan.com> <1722806.a1tDkPTn45@schestowitz.com> <1vlk7s5o93zx.dlg@funkenbusch.com> <8ibne4-qoe.ln1@news.harry.net> <pan.2007.> <t3ene4-qoe.ln1@news.harry.net> <pan.2007.> <6NidnZEp0v28qITbnZ2dnUVZ_trinZ2d@bresnan.com> <reply_in_group-09EE78.15160808042007@news.supernews.com> <J76dnZ2dqIBP5IfbnZ2dnUVZ_qninZ2d@bresnan.com> <131l0js73h8op39@news.supernews.com> <e_adnTW5J_S0XobbnZ2dnUVZ_o3inZ2d@bresnan.com> <131nm2pq9otps23@news.supernews.com> <wfidnVdn3M-iC4DbnZ2dnUVZ_vamnZ2d@bresnan.com> <1176359716.788917.250740@y5g2000hsa.googlegroups.com> <BeudnZ4WidaDiILbnZ2dnUVZ_rGinZ2d@bresnan.com>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ Maverick ] on Friday 13 April 2007 06:29 \__

> Tom Shelton wrote:
>> On Apr 11, 8:15 pm, Maverick <S...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>Tim Smith wrote:
>>>>On 2007-04-10, Maverick <S...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>Are you stupid or what?
>>>>>>>Quite a few major media outlets have made mistakes and still do.
>>>>>>>Some even print corrections or retractions.  So is it Roys fault for
>>>>>>>their mistakes?
>>>>>>So?  We are not talking about a case where the media made a mistake,
>>>>>>Roy accurately reported what the media said.  We are talking about
>>>>>>where it is Roy who misrepresents what the media said.
>>>>>He didn't.  Maybe you should reread his post as well.  All I see are a
>>>>>few M$ apologists making a lot of racket.
>>>>The news story accurately reported a company switching from a PHP-based
>>>>system to an open source .NET-based system.
>>>                ^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>And that is exactly what he was getting at.
>>>> Roy reported that they were
>>>>switching away from a .NET-based system.  That's Roy's mistake, not the
>>>>media's mistake.
>>>As an aside... the article was poorly written and ambigous.
>>>The article title is "Open source SplendidCRM..."
>>>It is .Net-centric by nature and integrates well with MS platforms.
>>>(according to the article) but it is still open source software which
>>>has a lower licensing costs than if they'd have went directly to all MS.
>>>Do you see it now?
>> Except, if you read the article, Cost was not a factor in the decision
>> at all (at least not one they mentioned).
> But the article did state that one of their goals was that the license
> costs were lower.  We can't ignore the costs as part of the decision.
>>  The reason for the decision
>> is that they needed to be able to customize it on a per client basis
>> and integrate their own internal software into the system. They
>> couldn't do that with the proprietary systems.
> That much we agree on.
>> Your mistake here is thinking that on that level anyone is overly
>> concerend about licensing cost...  Licensing cost really is just a
>> small part of the overall cost of ownership.
>> For them, it was about
>> flexability.  They needed a system that they could tweak on demand -
>> and that required them to use an open source product.  Splendid was
>> much better fit because they were able to leverage their existing
>> knowledge base and it integrated into their existing infrastructure
>> better (not to mention it was faster).
>>>So Roy didn't lie.
>> I wouldn't classify what Roy did as lying...  But, he grossly twisted
>> the intent of the article with his title.  The major problem is the
>> "Company Dumps .NET Software" part.  Nothing, could be further from
>> the truth.  The fact is that they embraced .NET software in favor of a
>> php solution.  The only part of the title that is acurate is the
>> "Finds Happiness in Open Source" part - and that's because SplendidCRM
>> is open source software.
> Which puts us both on the same page and ground.
> But Erik sure jumped on Roy and claimed he lied.

Someone whom I trust has just told me that Microsoft poisons the well and
tries to catch people with an egg in the face. Don't believe anything the
trolls say.

                ~~ With kind regards

Proprietary, lockin-based tools lead to regrets. Doc(umen)tor, heal thyself.
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