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Re: [News] Sheesh! Even Sun Microsystems Uses GNU/Linux

__/ [ BearItAll ] on Friday 27 April 2007 13:28 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Sun's X64-Based Streaming Server Runs on Linux
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The Linux used in the system is one that Kealia created for itself
>> | based on an undisclosed commercial distribution with some real-time
>> | hooks in it to boost the responsiveness of the system. Over the long
>> | haul, you can bet that Sun will port the Streaming System software
>> | to Solaris.
>> `----
>> http://www.itjungle.com/breaking/bn042607-story01.html
>> Just like SCO secretly used Linux. Even Microsoft!
> I don't think that Sun has ever been secretive about it's support of Linux.
> Their gave us our main Office suite for a start. They didn't have to port
> it from their workstations and certainly didn't have to give us a free
> version that is so close to being the commecial version that for the
> majority of users it makes no difference which they have. Sun didn't have
> to put out a java engine for the Linux platform all those years ago, long
> before it looked like Linux would be able to take on the world in either
> the server or the desktop markets.
> Of cause there was the long period of worry over their own UNIX, but Linux
> was still being supported and the Linux community supported too, by Sun.
> Could this support be compared with the support IBM and HP have given us?
> Well yes, can anyone really remember a time when Sun wasn't in Linux
> somewhere? IBM probably pip the post of the most support given by the
> three, but we have to be thankfull for all three of these supporters, they
> have all been very important to Linux's growth in capabilities and now in
> popularity. Most important of all is that these three had the muscle to
> stop MS, these three were ahead of MS in the server wars and all three in
> support of Linux. Let's not be ungreatfull to the bouncer on the door, he
> makes it possible to have a great time inside whilst those who would spoil
> the party are kept out.
> Now Sun have learnt, as HP and IBM did, that you can go with Linux and
> still make a bob or two.

HP made $25 million from Debian support last year. That's enough to pay a
wage to all the developers.

> I like Sun. I would like them even more if they would send me a Sun Sparc
> M4000 for my personal use and I'd like them even more than that if they
> include a workstation.

Ah! The freebies. You're thinking Microsoft. It's them who send out almost a
hundred laptops very selectively. To be honest, AMD is not innocent here.
They donated a server for Groklaw's use, followed by and accompanies with
iBiblio's press release.

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz     \ Switch to GNU/Linux. Visit
http://Schestowitz.com  |    RHAT Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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