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Re: [News] Screenshots Walkthrough of the First KDE 4 Linux Distro

__/ [ NoStop ] on Tuesday 24 April 2007 02:04 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> KDE 4 Snapshot 04-18-07 Screenshot Tour
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Unlike the SLAX-based live CD called KLAX, which he used to develop in
>> | order to demonstrate new KDE releases, his "KDE Four Live" images
>> | are based on openSUSE.
>> `----
>> http://osdir.com/Article9811.phtml
> Yuck! KDE looks as ugly as it always has.
> Cheers.
Skin the default installation. It takes seconds.

When was the last time that you judged the XP default interface style? It
looks like it was tailor-made for Toys R Us, with a suitable Teletubby
wallpaper. Since it's one-size-fits all (unlike Linux), everybody gets the
Toys R Us homebrew edition. No out-of-the-box choice. Many seems to be
choosing Ubuntu because they favour the Orange/Brown GNOME theme, but it's
really the under-the-hood changes (very much applies to KDE 4) that matter.

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Kernel panic - more exciting than being /.'ted
http://Schestowitz.com  |    RHAT Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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