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[News] [Rival] (Gates-Funded?) Press Glorifies Gates, Gates-funded Analyst Comments

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] (Gates-Funded?) Press Glorifies Gates, Gates-funded Analyst Comments
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:25:02 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
As Gates departs, a Microsoft forebear carries on

,----[ Quote ]
| Al Gillen, an analyst with IDC, said that the operatigovernmentng system 
| proved historic. "DOS is fundamentally the product that made Microsoft into 
| the powerhouse it is today," he commented.  


Once again the press portrays Gates as though he did not crimes and it quotes a
person whose wage is paid by Bill Gates himself. One must wonder who owns
MarketWatch because Gates owns a lot of media companies (disclosure is the new
law). Brainwash at its finest. It's like watching the Chinese press talking
about the Chinese government.

IDC is said to be a disaster, which it is. Even CEOs say so. It's 'pay to
play'. They are puppets and Gillen is a close friend of the convicted
criminals from Redmond. What a theatre act. Supporting articles below.


Microsoft's Sponsored OOXML Study

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, Microsoft made available an IDC study about so-called open desktop 
| file formats. It's yet another Microsoft propaganda effort, as a crucial 
| format standards vote approaches.  


Dell Won't Preinstall Ubuntu Linux On Small-Business Computers

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell's refusal to sell Ubuntu machines to small businesses makes sense, 
| because those customers typically want PCs that let them get to work right 
| away. "It makes sense because the assumption is they want everything to work 
| right out of the box," Richard Shim, analyst for IDC, said. "With something 
| like Ubuntu, it's going to require some tinkering."    


And they ended up with an egg in the face. Dell delivers to SMBs now

IDC pronounces Linux unimportant to European economy [in Microsoft-commissioned

,----[ Quote ]
| A recent IDC white paper on the economic impact of Microsoft's super
| soaraway new Vista operating system seems to be lacking one crucial
| ingredient -- other operating systems.


NY Times bans Microsoft analysts from Microsoft stories

,----[ Quote ]
| Part of the problem stems from the reticence of companies such as
| IDC and Gartner to reveal their clients. That should make everyone
| nervous, but it doesn't. So called objective technology publications
| keep publishing material bought by vendors without telling you this.


Has IDC got the wrong number for iPhone? 

,----[ Quote ]
| IDC has poured cold water on Apple's iPhone just days after a previous survey 
| led M:Metrics to talk up the new entry to the cellphone stakes. But are the 
| new numbers sound?   
| [...]
| The most obvious difference is in the sample size. M:Metrics had 
| 11,060 respondents, IDC just 456. The sample space was also different, 
| with M:Metrics apparently sampling from mobile phone subscribers, while 
| IDC looked at online mobile phone shoppers.


IDC Study:

,----[ Quotes with annotation ]
| "(Microsoft manager:) I don't like the fact that the report show us losing
| on TCO on webservers. I don't like the fact that the report show us losing
| on availability (windows was down more than linux). And I don't like the
| fact that the reports says nothing new is coming with windows .net server."
| [...]
| "I don't like it to be public on the doc that we sponsored it because I
| don't think the outcome is as favorable as we had hoped. I just don't like
| competitors using it as ammo against us. It is easier if it doesn't mention
| that we sponsored it."


Vista filip for US states, claims IDC

,----[ Quote ]
| While reviewers debate the merits of Windows Vista and analysts puzzle the 
| over the pace of adoption, IDC and Microsoft are in little doubt over its 
| impact for the economies of America's 50 states.
| To date, IDC has estimated Windows Vista will create 37,000 new jobs and 
| generate $15.5bn in related products and services across just four US 
| states.


IDC report on Open Document Standards

,----[ Quote ]
| This study is a fact-based analysis of the emerging open document
| standards, Open XML and ODF.


Vista launch to add 100,000 Europe IT jobs: study

,----[ Quote ]
| The study, conducted by research firm IDC and commissioned by Microsoft,
| said Windows Vista will be installed on over 30 million personal computers
| in Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, Spain and United Kingdom within the
| first year of shipment.


Shill season

,----[ Quote ]
| It's often difficult to figure out the motivation behind a particular
| study - until one finds out who has commissioned and paid for it.
| The so-called tech consulting companies would love it if the consumer
| believes that they have conducted an "independent" study. The worrying
| thing is that not many people blow their cover.


Microsoft Press Releases: Read Between the Lines

,----[ Quote ]
| We have a game we play around the office here with Microsoft press
| releases. The game is called Find the words that make the headline
| true. It's not always easy.
| [...]
| Our point: Microsoft has a long history of using press releases top
| romote their product momentum in shall we say interesting ways,
| using words like "fastest growing" (meaning, the number we started
| with was really really small) to redefining words such as "sold."
| It's not good marketing practice. Why? Because once consumers and
| press people figure out you are playing lawyer, they stop believing
| you and your brand. And that's more likely to do you harm than good.


Get the facts about sagging Linux server sales

,----[ Quote ]
| The bottom line is that Linux continues to thrive, and Microsoft -- well, 
| Microsoft continues to do what it does best. Linux improves and grows its 
| user base day-in and day-out, and Microsoft dishes out deceptions. Note to 
| Galli, Peter Judge, Stan Beer, and all the other pundits echoing the meme 
| that Linux is losing: based on the facts -- which show 93% growth for Red Hat 
| versus 18% for Microsoft over the past two years -- if any company is getting 
| close to hitting the wall, it's not a Linux vendor.      


Is Linux really losing market share to Windows?

,----[ Quote ]
| Should we be ready, as Kent Brockman might put it, to "welcome our new 
| Microsoft overlords," or are the IDC Quarterly Server Tracker figures not 
| really reflecting the reality of how servers are used in businesses? I, for 
| one, think that what IDC is measuring and what server operating systems 
| people are really using are two entirely different things.    


Microsoft Memories

,----[ Quote ]
| At some point in your presentation billg will say "that's the dumbest
| fucking idea I've heard since I've been at Microsoft."  He looks like
| he means it.  However, since you knew he was going to say this, you
| can't really let it faze you.  Moreover, you can't afford to look
| fazed; remember: he's a bully.


Reminds me of some stories about Gates' personality. Among them (which I can
quickly find):

,----[ Quote ]
| My father, in his travels, has met Bill Gates. I don't think I'd be
| creating a problem for him now (as he recently retired) by saying that he
| was unimpressed. Apparently Gates was rude, he was distracted, and when
| he sat, he rocked back and forth in his chair, an action which reminded
| my Dad of people with dementia.


,----[ Quote ]
| In my BillG review meeting, the whole reporting hierarchy was there,
| along with their cousins, sisters, and aunts, and a person who came
| along from my team whose whole job during the meeting was to keep an
| accurate count of how many times Bill said the F word. The lower the
| f***-count, the better.
| [...]
| Four," announced the f*** counter, and everyone said, "wow, that's the
| lowest I can remember. Bill is getting mellow in his old age." He was,
| you know, 36.
| Later I had it explained to me. "Bill doesn't really want to review
| your spec, he just wants to make sure you've got it under control. His
| standard M.O. is to ask harder and harder questions until you admit that
| you don't know, and then he can yell at you for being unprepared. Nobody
| was really sure what happens if you answer the hardest question he can
| come up with because it's never happened before."


Despite filters, tidal wave of spam bears down on e-mailers

,----[ Quote ]
| "Two years from now, spam will be solved."
| — Microsoft's (MSFT) Bill Gates, 2004, World Economic Forum in Switzerland
| [...]
| "I never said it would be solved," Gates said in an interview with USA TODAY 
| last month. "I said it would be substantially reduced, and in fact it has 
| been reduced a lot."  


Microsoft is the world's biggest cause of zombie remailers

,----[ Quote ]
| In China, it would take about one and one-half years wages (for the
| average Chinese) to buy a legitimate copy of Windows Vista. If you
| could find it here.
| Microsoft is the biggest cause of zombie remailers in the world,
| because they make noises, but do not do anything to address the
| real digital inequities in the world.


Bill Gates Likes To Lie About Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Denial! C'mon Billy Boy, you know things suck in the land of Vista.
| Just admit it and we'll be on our way.


Gates deposition videos

,----[ Quote ]
| Boies: Do you remember that in January, 1996, a lot of OEMs were
| bundling non-Microsoft browsers?
| Gates: I'm not sure.
| Boies: What were the non-Microsoft browsers that you were
| concerned about in January of 1996?
| Gates: What's the question? You're trying to get me to recall
| what other browsers I was thinking about when I wrote that sentence?
| Boies: No, because you've told me that you don't know what you
| were thinking about when you wrote that sentence.
| Gates: Right.
| Boies: What I'm trying to do is get you to tell me what
| non-Microsoft browsers you were concerned about in January of
| 1996. If it had been only one, I probably would have used the
| name of it. Instead I seem to be using the term non-Microsoft
| browsers. My question is what non-Microsoft browsers were you 
| concerned about in January of 1996?
| Gates: I'm sure -- what's the question? Is it -- are you asking
| me about when I wrote this e-mail or what are you asking me about?
| Boies: I'm asking you about January of 1996.
| Gates: That month?
| Boies: Yes, sir.
| Gates: And what about it?
| Boies: What non-Microsoft browsers were you concerned about in
| January of 1996?
| Gates: I don't know what you mean "concerned."
| Boies: What is it about the word "concerned" that you don't
| understand?
| Gates: I'm not sure what you mean by it. 


Bill Gates Busted - Microsoft Lies to Press/Congress

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates has been busted in a big fat lie and we've got the 
| statistics to prove it.


Talking Linux IP with Bill Gates

,----[ Quote ]
| Niall:
|     OK. Two questions.
|        1. Was Microsoft ever directly involved with the SCO Group
| in their lawsuit against IBM, either through BayStar Capital or others?
|        2. Why is Microsoft recently choosing to go after supposed
| patent violations with various operating system companies?
| Bill:
|     I don't know BayStar.
| Niall:
|     It's an investment company. One of their executives testified
| Microsoft invested $50 million to offset SCO's costs in the lawsuit.
| Bill:
|     When?


The Fear biz is the computer security biz

,----[ Quote ]
| A few days later, I saw what Bill Gates had to say in a recent
| Newsweek interview about the Mac as compared to Vista.
|     "I mean, it's fascinating, maybe we shouldn't have showed so
| publicly the stuff we were doing, because we knew how long the new
| security base was going to take us to get done. Nowadays, security
| guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come
| out with a total exploit, your machine can be taken over totally. I
| dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine."
| My reaction, like most knowledgeable people who read this, was
| open-mouthed astonishment. Now, either Bill is heavily drugged and
| delusional, which I don't believe, or he's just completely ignorant,
| which I also discount, or he knows exactly what he's saying and has
| an ulterior motive. That's my best guess.
| Bill Gates knows that he's at best exaggerating and at worst
| completely lying through his teeth. So why's he doing it? Because
| he also knows that Apple's new ads are helping Macs to sell like
| hot cakes, and that security is a big reason why a lot of people
| are throwing up their hands in disgust at Windows and switching
| to Apple's computers.
| Who reads Newsweek? Not computer pros, but Joe and Jane
| Computer-user, and Joe and Jane tend to believe what they
| read in the mainstream media when it comes to computers,
| especially when that nice, smart philanthropist Bill Gates
| is the one saying it. He's Mr Computer, after all, so he
| must be right!


Gates Deposition Audio and Video

,----[ Quote ]
| Here is our local copy of the depositions of Bill Gates in the
| Microsoft anti-trust suit. We did our best to convert the
| original Windows Media files into an Open format, ogg. Your
| webmaster is responsible for the video transcoding, the
| audio-only files are contributed by a Groklaw member that
| requested to stay anonymous.


,----[ Quote ]
| From:       Bill Gates
| Sent:       Saturday, December 05, 1989 9:44 AM
| To:         Bob Muglia (Exchange); Jon DeVaan; Steven Sinofsky
| Cc:         Paul Mariz
| Subject:    Office rendering
| One thing we have got to change is our strategy -- allowing Office 
| documents to be rendered very well by OTHER PEOPLES BROWSERS is one of the 
| most destructive things we could do to the company.
| We have to stop putting any effort into this and make sure that Office
| documents very well depends on PROPRIETARY IE capabilities.
| Anything else is suicide for our platform. This is a case where Office has
| to  to destroy Windows.


Bill Gates Blunder on Vista Pricing

,----[ Quote ]
| If you watched the above video you will recall that bill gates
| said that british consumers will not be paying more than US
| customers, and that any price difference is merely due to
| differences in exchange rate.


Dark cloud over good works of Gates Found


Gates sold 100,000 Univision shares-SEC filing

,----[ Quote ]
| The foundation said it sold its remaining stake in Univision,
| which is in the process of being acquired by private investors,
| for an average of $35.34 per share in open market transactions.


Bill Gates lends cash to buy newspapers

$350 million to MediaNews

,----[ Quote ]
| Gates involvement has been very behind the scenes. In fact many of
| those involved in the deal didn'teven know he was one of the investors.
| It was carried out through the Gates Foundation, the world's largest
| philanthropy outfit.


Gates Foundation reports AIG, Covidien stakes-filing

,----[ Quote ]
| The overall value of the foundation's portfolio increased to $9.12 billion 
| from $6.64 billion as of June 30. 


Bill Gates fund reports 12.8 pct PlanetOut stake

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates' investment fund Cascade Investment LLC reported in a regulatory 
| filing on Friday that its holds a 12.8 percent stake in the common stock of 
| online media company PlanetOut Inc.   


More on Troy Wolverton, the Street, and Apple Scandal

,----[ Quote ]
| MediaNews did buy the Mercury News with a loan from Bill Gates' foundation, 
| and is in the process of paying back that loan by publishing information 
| without much journalistic or technical integrity.  
| Specifically, I wrote “One might think that the San Jose Mercury News, being 
| located in Apple's backyard, would tend to trumpet the company's success. One 
| would be wrong... Apple's corporate proximity to San Jose is trumped by the 
| Mercury News’ need to publish low cost, highly sensational news to make 
| enough money to pay back Bill Gates for the favor of his humanitarian loan.”     


Gates Foundation Revokes Pledge to Review Portfolio

,----[ Quote ]
| ...the Gates Foundation took down their public statement on this
| and replaced it with a significantly altered version which seems to
| say that investing responsibly would just be too complex for them
| and that they need to focus on their core mission: 'There are
| dozens of factors that could be considered, almost all of which
| are outside the foundation's areas of expertise. The issues
| involved are quite complex...


What happened to the guts?

,----[ Quote ]
| Of one thing I am fairly certain. Microsoft all but eliminated
| mainstream software competition. As a result, Microsoft became
| the primary source of advertising revenue for mainstream publications.
| You don't bite the hand that feeds you. So instead of publishing
| issues calling for a worldwide boycott of Vista because it focuses
| more on what you can't do than what you can do, you see special
| editions praising Vista as the greatest advancement in computing
| since Windows 95. Granted we all know that Windows 95 was a dog
| from day one, but by the 90s, the mainstream press had already
| become rampant with Microsoft sycophants and they pushed Windows
| 95 like it was the second coming.
| [...]
| In short, I'd love to see a mainstream publication become an
| advocate for the consumer once again.
| As noted above, there are exceptions, including Linux Journal,
| most other FOSS-centered publications and even The Register.
| But we're the little guys.



Beeb slammed for 'fawning' to Bill Gates 

,----[ Quote ]
| BBC viewers have flooded the corporation with complaints over how it
| covered the launch of Microsoft Vista earlier this week.
| In one cringingly servile interview worthy of Uriah Heep, the
| Beeb's news presenter Hugh Edwards even thanked Gates at the
| end of it, presumably in appreciation at being allowed to give
| the Vole vast coverage for free.
| In other TV news items presenters excitedly explained how Vistac
| ould be obtained and installed - details courtesy of the BBC's
| website.
| But British viewers, currently forced to pay a £131.50 licence
| fee to maintain the BBC's "impartiality", were less than impressed.
| Scores got in touch to complain that so much was Auntie up Bill's
| bum that you could barely see her corset.


PC World Editor Resigns When Ordered Not to Criticize Advertisers

,----[ Quote ]
| Apparently he also told the staff that product reviews had to be
| nicer to vendors who advertise in the magazine. The sad thing is 
| that given the economics of publishing in this day and age, I
| doubt anything even comes of this even tho it essentially
| confirms that PC World reviews should be thought of as no
| more than press releases. I know that's how I will consider
| links from them in the future. But congratulations to anyone
| willing to stick to their guns on such matters.


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