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Re: [News] ABI Research on (Linux-based) Ultra-mobile Device Future

____/ Mark Kent on Monday 10 December 2007 07:45 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Kindle, Eee PC, PocketSurfer2: all bellwethers of the UMD
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Amazon's Kindle eBook has launched to much hype and mixed reviews, the
>>| ASUSTek Eee super-small notebook has sold like hot cakes and DataWind's
>>| Pocketsurfer2 mobile Internet access device, without the benefit of big
>>| name backers, has barely registered a blip on the local radar. But,
>>| according to ABI Research, these devices are only the vanguard of a 90
>>| million strong invasion of ultramobile devices that will march into
>>| consumers hands over the next five years.
>>| [...]
>>| ABI breaks down UMDs into two major categories: Ultra Mobile PCs (UMPCs),
>>| which run Windows and business applications and are aimed at business
>>| users, and Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs), which target consumers and are
>>| more likely to run a Linux operating system.
>> `----
>> http://www.itwire.com/content/view/15726/1096/
> Still failing to recognise the future... How do you get Vista running on
> a ultra-mobile device?  Well, you don't.  So much for ABI research.
When was the last time you heard about Origami (of Vistagami)? It's dead in the
water or locked away in the warehouse (maybe a shelf).

                ~~ Best of wishes

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