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[News] Biggest Benefit of GNU/Linux Development is "Time and Money"

  • Subject: [News] Biggest Benefit of GNU/Linux Development is "Time and Money"
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2007 21:23:38 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Finnish developer uses Linux and OSS to move to market quickly

,----[ Quote ]
| For Navicron, the biggest benefit of developing on Linux is "time and money. 
| Essentially, if something is already available in the open source software  
| community, and it works for you, you save a great deal of time and money 
| getting the product to market."  
| [...]
| Kattilakoski says most of his customers don't mind that Navicron is using 
| open source software. "Typically, we tell them up front what our plan is, and 
| they approve the use of open source. Most of the time customers are fine. 
| Sometimes there's initial reticence or pushback." In cases like that, 
| Kattilakoski spends a little extra time showing his customers just how many  
| popular cell phones from big companies like Motorola and Samsung are running 
| on Linux. Convincing customers about the goodness of open source is easy, 
| Kattilakoski says, because the development team keeps the customer's desires 
| tantamount. "Understand what you both want to achieve, always thinking about  
| what is best for the customer."       
| Kattilakoski says that Google's recent announcement of the formation of the 
| Open Handset Alliance is good news for open source software in the mobile 
| industry, and for entrepreneurs who are thinking about building a business 
| based on the open source model. "That's the kind of interesting development 
| that happens in the open source community, and as mobile developers we really  
| need to stay on top of the latest developments. There are a lot of small 
| startups moving in the area of open source."     



Do You Maintain Your OS on a Regular Basis?

,----[ Quote ]
| The thing that you have to remember about your computer is that it's
| a machine, and machines need regular maintenance. I'm not just talking
| about the hardware components, either, because the software that runs
| on and utilizes the hardware (your operating system) can also become
| bloated and inefficient over time, too.


Are proprietary maintenance fees worse than open-source maintenance fees?

,----[ Quote ]
| The proprietary world attempts to foist outdated software on its customers - 
| software that other products have surpassed but which the customer is locked 
| out of buying. There is a better way. It's called open source. Have you heard 
| of it?   


'It'll be ugly when half the software industry goes away' - pundit

,----[ Quote ]
| We're pretty sure that's what executives, researchers and developers told 
| us yesterday, during a Carnegie Mellon West sponsored event at Microsoft's 
| Silicon Valley headquarters.
| [...]
| The hottest software company on the planet - VMware - also seems to go 
| against the doom and gloom scenario presented by the pundits. Close to a 
| decade after it started, VMware continues to show 100 per cent year-on-year 
| revenue growth and has an IPO on tap. It makes far more money running 
| multiple copies of Linux on servers than the open source, services darling 
| of the "New Software Industry" analysts - Red Hat.
| [...]
| The big three all have so-called "on-demand" strategies underway for
| obvious reasons. New license revenue has stalled. Making matters worse,
| open source companies dish out new, good enough software for low-end
| tasks at a steady pace. This leaves services and maintenance programs
| as the only real ways to make new money.


IT maintenance burden stifles innovation

,----[ Quote ]
| Keeping systems up and running is holding back European IT managers
| from contributing to business improvement as much as they could.


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