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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Brings Software Rental Concept to the UK

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 07 December 2007 14:24 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Exstream Soft to provide Microsoft applications for rent
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| The company will aim to provide Microsoft applications to domestic users
>>| and small and medium businesses on a monthly rental basis.
>> `----
> That'll be cheaper than google office, or openoffice.org.  Won't it?

That's just what Microsoft hopes to drive away. The last report about Office
Live (or "Live Office") quoted a Microsoft executive saying that adoption has
been poor. On the other side of the lake, Google quietly collects clients, who
I assume will /temporarily/ use their old version of Microsoft Office and
Google Apps in tendem.

A long time ago:

Google manager: Google Apps replaced Microsoft Office at 100,000 businesses

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's newly released online productivity suite Google Apps has
| already replaced Microsoft Office at more than 100,000 small to
| medium enterprises and has been deployed at two of the largest
| companies in the world, according to the search leader's
| enterprise product boss.


Microsoft 'strikes back' (with FUD, not better products):

Google Apps Catches Flak

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is launching an anti-Google propaganda campaign.


Microsoft Retaliates With 10 Reasons Not To Use Google Apps

,----[ Quote ]
| This, of course, brought Google even closer to rivaling Microsoft's Office 
| suite, which has now spurred a reaction from the Redmond software giant. 
| No, its not new software or updates for the popular productivity suite, but 
| rather Microsoft's own reasoning on why businesses should NOT use Google 
| Apps.  


Will Google Loosen Microsoft's Grip on Large Enterprise?

,----[ Quote ]
| It’s got to be frustrating to sit in Redmond today and watch the world go by 
| without having much of a grip on it anymore. 


Out of the office

,----[ Quote ]
| Nobody's better at defending its turf than Microsoft of course, so this will 
| not be a quick or easy war. 


Google denies its Apps just a Microsoft Office add-on

,----[ Quote ]
| Google staff don't like the suggestion that their own employees depend mostly 
| on Microsoft Office even as Google Apps makes headway into the enterprise 
| collaboration and e-mail market.  


Google Poses Biggest Threat To MS Office, Readers Say

,----[ Quote ]
| Readers have a lot to say about free/alternative office suites (as in, 
| alternatives to Microsoft's dominant Office product). Presented with a 
| growing list of alternatives, they conclude that Google Docs is a viable 
| threat to Microsoft.   


Google Only Ahead Of Microsoft In Search: Ballmer

,----[ Quote ]
| Live Spaces: nice tie in with the MSN chat platform, but still a poor cousin 
| to Blogger as a blogging platform. 
| Video: did someone say YouTube?
| The list could go on and on and on and on…. but I’ll stop there. Certainly 
| Google hasn’t dominated every market it has taken on, but to say that Google 
| runs second to Microsoft online in everything but search says a lot more 
| about Steve Ballmer than it being a true reflection on today’s online 
| marketplace.    


Google's Android just a press release, says Ballmer

,----[ Quoteb ]
| Google's plans to enter the mobile industry with a cell phone platform might 
| have impressed many in the industry but not Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft 
| and one of Google's biggest competitors.  


Google reads your email, shocker - Steve Ballmer claims


,----[ Quote ]
| Angel investor Tom McInerney, co-founder of the video site Guba.com, 
| agreed: "Microsoft has been humbled a little bit. They've been forced to play 
| nice. A cultural change has taken place with Microsoft. There is an 
| acknowledgment that they are not the king of the hill anymore. And there is 
| the looming concern that Google is the new Microsoft."    


Microsoft trying to derail Google/DoubleClick deal by lobbying congress

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has hired lobbying firm Patton Boggs LLC to do work on "competitive 
| issues surrounding Google/DoubleClick [sic] merger." 


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | How I learned to stop worrying and love GNU/Linux
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer |  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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