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[News] Apple's KHTML 'Ripoff' Finally Opens Up, KDE Reports from Education Meeting

  • Subject: [News] Apple's KHTML 'Ripoff' Finally Opens Up, KDE Reports from Education Meeting
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 01:14:10 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Apple makes WebKit more open to outside contributors

,----[ Quote ]
| This new policy will make it possible for members of the KDE community and 
| other developers outside of Apple to have full commit access to the WebKit 
| source code version control system.  
| WebKit is an open source HTML rendering engine developed by Apple and 
| originally based on the source code of KDE's KHTML rendering engine. 


First KDE Education Meeting a Great Success

,----[ Quote ]
| Last weekend the members of the KDE-Edu team met in Paris for a meeting about 
| the Education project. The meeting took place at the Mandriva office, where 
| the members got to know each other and started vivid discussions about their 
| applications, life in general, as well as the future and vision of the Edu 
| module. Read on for the report.     



Preliminary KDE-EDU screenshots^WPhotos

,----[ Quote ]
| KDE-EDU meeting has started on Mandriva offices at Paris, some quick photos 
| for the impatient. 



Browser Wars - Reloaded

,----[ Quote ]
| The dispute over WebKit and KHTML reached a new peak today. With Harri Porten 
| yesterday a KHTML supporter already pubslished his position on the subject 
| and today Zack Rusin, a WebKit supporter, answered.  


Webkit vs. Mozilla: Should Firefox jump on the Webkit bandwagon?

,----[ Quote ]
| As the Mozilla folks start making plans to plan for the Mozilla 2 codebase, 
| Matt Gertner over at the AllPeers blog has a radical suggestion: Dump the 
| Gecko rendering engine and embrace WebKit.  


Ten Ways to Make More Humane Open Source Software

,----[ Quote ]
| Firefox: How did it get to be so good?
| Before writing this article, I didn’t know who to thank for Firefox’s 
| interface, so I did some research. The central people behind the Firefox 
| project were Blake Ross, Dave Hyatt, Ben Goodger, and Asa Dotzler. I read 
| their blogs, and discovered that the simplicity and focus of the Firefox 
| interface were no accident. Before the Firefox project had a name, it had a 
| manifesto, and it has remained practically unchanged since then.     


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