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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Accused of Fuelling Format Wars, Writing Checks (Bribery)

____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 05 December 2007 12:35 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Director: Microsoft fueling HD wars
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Microsoft is deliberately feeding into the HD disc format wars to ensure
>>| that its own downloads succeed where physical copies fail, says movie
>>| director Michael Bay in a response to a question posed through his official
>>| forums. The producer contends that Microsoft is writing "$100 million
>>| dollar checks" to movie studios to ensure HD DVD exclusives that hurt the
>>| overall market regardless of the format's actual merit or its popularity,
>>| preventing any one format from gaining a clear upper hand. Bay's own
>>| Transformers is available on disc only in the less popular HD DVD format
>>| despite his stated preference for Blu-ray. To the director, this is
>>| primarily a stalling tactic while Microsoft refines its own online-only
>>| technology.
>> `----
>> http://www.electronista.com/articles/07/12/04/bay.on.microsoft.hd/
> MS know only about monopolies.

That's just vicious. From /. [1], I've just realised that this is a director of
Transformers or something, so you're not looking at some arbitrary guy making
this claim. I added the Cringely reference at the bottom of the OP.


Scott M. Fulton, III:

"What did happen that day in 1994 is an example of how Microsoft
approaches its everyday business: not by applying itself to the truths
and principles and operating parameters of its chosen industry, and
not by solving the arguably solvable problems put before it, but
instead by concocting a fantasy world where Microsoft is the world's
great benefactor, the great multitude is the recipient of its mercy
and grace, and all other entities in the computing industry are
either--to borrow a recently reborn phrase--"with us or against us."
This is a world where media entities such as Newsweek, and
professional observers such as myself, should stand in awe of that
company's "accomplishments," as if its role-playing conquests held
tangible value in any currency in which common people trade."

[1] Slashdot also made me realise that one site is not prepared to handle high
loads, so I'm receiving E-mails now about it being temporarily offline. It's
weird because last December it could cope with Digg and Slashdot effect
simultaneously. By the way, Novell delayed its financial reports (looking

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | One, Two, Free Open Source Software (FOSS)
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer |  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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