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Goodbuy and thanks for all the fish

  • Subject: Goodbuy and thanks for all the fish
  • From: BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 11:15:05 +0000
  • Bytes: 4531
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:582984
Just popped in to say a fond farewell. I am moving on to another company and
a new life so am very unlikely to be able to get on here any more, but
actually I have been losing interest anyway, my heart just isn't in this

On a possitive note (the previous paragraph was probably a possitive note
for some) let me tell you what I am moving on to, because it's a nice bit
of Linux advocacy.

It is a company that wants to be pure Linux, servers and clients. They hold
very sensitive data and a great deal of it, but have had loss of data as
well as data protection problems.

We all have our favourite servers, my personal current favourite server
distro is SLES except for the reason I'll tell you about in a moment, but
this particular system I am taking over will be better on Redhats, so that
is likely the way I will go. Anyway, I am getting less impressed with SLES
lately, I mentioned some time ago of the terrible install around LDAP, I
don't install or use LDAP, but I got it anyway, and then it did a very
terrible thing, instead of waiting for me to set a LDAP source and doing
nothing if I didn't, it went off over the internet looking for one. That is
such an incredibly bad thing to do. Do you have a slow SLES and don't see
anything in top that suggests a problem? Then have a sniff of your internet
traffic, not much in Linux rocks my socks off these days, but that little
discovery did it.

As for the desks, there are a massive number of desktops spread around the
country all moving to Linux.

The one thing that this company does have is great communications, so I am
confident that the vast proportion of my work, once they are on Linux
clients, can be done from one location.

As for the clients, I haven't set it in stone just yet, but I am leaning
towards SLED. The reason I am thinking that way rather than my second
choice of pure Debian, Debian would be easier for me to maintain centrally
(thinking of the number of desktops) but SLED is much more pleasant for the

The company also has a couple of MS servers, which are also under spec for
the workload. My instinct tells me to replace them and merge the tasks into
the Linux servers, for no other reason than I can not look after MS servers
with the same confidence that I can Linux servers. But actually I am
starting to consider keeping one of them, updated and on better hardware.

Shock horror, why would I want a MS Server? Well the future of all computing
what ever the OS is going to be remote applications, trust me, if you don't
like or believe anything else I ever say trust me in this one thing, remote
applications, on your servers or on your Internet are going to be the norm

Linux is a natural for that obviously, UNIX had this capability when Linux
was just a glint in someone's eye. But we can't ignore the fact that MS is
also quickly coming up to speed in this area.

.NET3.x-Ajax is incredibly good, I would now put .NET on a par with
php-ajax. Java is still the key to full apps, but that too is changing in
all the right ways.

So ignoring MS in that area would be a terrible mistake, these silly OS wars
we have now will become more and more insignificant as the years roll on
until the time comes when people don't actually know what OS is running
their applications, they shouldn't need to know.

So, it's goodbuy from me. Obviously I'll be popping back to see if anyone
misses me, but only to look rather than respond, because my PDA is great
for reading news groups but a right pain in the arse if you try to post
from it :) I sent a post to a redhat group once and my dad called me
because he was totally confused by the email he just received, '... and by
the the what is a vm server and where should I get it from?'.

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