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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Carries on Snubbing the Web and Web Developers

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Carries on Snubbing the Web and Web Developers
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 07:27:53 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Users, Web developers vent over IE7

,----[ Quote ]
| Users of Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) turned a blog post by a Microsoft program 
| manager into a complaint free-for-all that took the company to task for not 
| following through on browser upgrade promises and alienating Web developers.  


Mind how he brags about market share. OEMs are virtually forced to sell
Windows, which has IE bundled in. "Who needs Web standards when you can place
a lockin on the market?"


IE7 still creating problems for developers?

,----[ Quote ]
| For the last couple of years, we developers have been struggling with
| IE incompatibilities while creating and testing our sites. Those
| include the non-native support for PNG transparencies, the box model
| bug, and many many more.



,----[ Quote ]
| From:       Bill Gates
| Sent:       Saturday, December 05, 1998 9:44 AM
| To:         Bob Muglia (Exchange); Jon DeVaan; Steven Sinofsky
| Cc:         Paul Mariz
| Subject:    Office rendering
| One thing we have got to change is our strategy -- allowing Office 
| documents to be rendered very well by OTHER PEOPLES BROWSERS is one of the 
| most destructive things we could do to the company.
| We have to stop putting any effort into this and make sure that Office
| documents very well depends on PROPRIETARY IE capabilities.
| Anything else is suicide for our platform. This is a case where Office has
| to  to destroy Windows.


CLARION CALL: IE 7 Not Ready For Prime Time

,----[ Quote ]
| Either leave your dog at home, or make sure it's trained better
| before inviting it into my house to make a mess on my carpet.


IE7 Web Developers Nightmare

,----[ Quote ]
| IE7 is a night mare for most of the developers that try to comply
| with standards for crossbrowsing.
| I recently needed to rewrite a web site so it works on firefox too...
| the surprising element was that when testing the new and the old site
| on IE7 I found out that many things does not function as expected and
| "not function as expected" isn't the right word for it, it was more
| a question of working at all.


Why Microsoft Expression Web redefines irony

,----[ Quote ]
| Expression is Microsoft's suite of web development tools slated to
| replace the wonderful application known as Front Page. A quick visit
| to the site for this tool yields a fairly typical Microsoft webpage.
| [...]
| WHOA! Did they not even listen to their own marketing garbage? 144
| Errors! No DocType? Are you kidding me?
| [...]
| Bravo to our good friends at Microsoft for setting such a great example
| and leading the masses to a more standards compliant internet! (and
| for giving web standards geeks something to hate on).


Wake up and smell the IE7!

,----[ Quote ]
| The results of our study suggest that around 12.7 million websites are
| in need of a little TLC because of IE7. Maybe even more.


Funny Thing - M$

,----[ Quote ]
| Last night Joe and I got in this huge discussion, and I was cursing out 
| Microsoft. It’s been rough the past couple of days and M$ has not been making 
| my life very easy. Every time I turn around I have to ghetto-fy my web sites 
| to make them work in IE…   
| See… There are these things called Web Standards which were put into place to 
| make web designer’s lives easier. As in, if they script to web standards, 
| then all standards compliant browsers will show the site exactly correct. 
| Well, I always script to web standards. The PROBLEM is that Microsoft decides
| that they are just going to do things THEIR way...    
| [...]
| Besides the fact that all of the Microsoft employees I have ever encountered 
| must have been brainwashed. I don’t know where they dig these people up. 
| [...]
| And if they AREN’T brainwashing them, then they are just hiring incompetant, 
| pompous dumbasses. And if either is the case, why should anyone support their 
| company?  


Vista IE7 issue remains unsolved for many users

,----[ Quote ]
| When I read stuff like this, it confirms my belief that there’s something 
| very broken in the world of Vista. Here’s a very knowledgeable user and 
| talented developer who’s confounded and befuddled by a well-documented and 
| still unaddressed issue affecting Vista users running Internet Explorer 7.   


ECIS Accuses Microsoft of Plotting HTML Hijack

,----[ Quote ]
| An industry coalition that has represented competitors of Microsoft
| in European markets before the European Commission stepped up its
| public relations offensive this morning, this time accusing
| Microsoft of scheming to upset HTML's place in the fabric of
| the Internet with XAML, an XML-based layout lexicon forn
| etwork applications.


Is Microsoft learning from Web standards mistakes?

,----[ Quote ]
| In a video interview with ZDNet Australia last month, Microsoft blogger and 
| group manager of technical community, Frank Arrigo, explained how important 
| it is for the Redmond giant to follow Web standards.  
| "Standards are important," said Arrigo, who admitted that Microsoft had been 
|                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| guilty of ignoring them in the past. "If you look at IE6, we didn't quite 
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| follow all the standards but standards are important ... IE7 as an example is 
| trying to address that."   


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